Monday 25 March 2013

Easter Bunnies!

Hey nail art fans and new followers hellooo!

I have been soooo excited to post this mani, I'm obsessed with it!

As it's supposedly springtime (questionable, it's decidedly wintery!) I thought I'd do some lovely childish bunnies on my nails, cos' that's the kind of girl I am.

Here goes...

So, cute right?

I used Model's Own Pro - Nail Strengthener as my base and did a single coat of Barry M - Matt White on each nail. Then I created my gradient with a make-up sponge using 17 Lasting Fix - Juicy (green) and Catwalk Couture (blue). You may remeber these from yesterday's post! It took a couple of coats to get a nice opaque look and a hell of a lot of clean up afterwards! My cuticles still have a bluey tinge even now.

Once they's dried I used Barry M - Matt White again to draw my bunnies with various dotting tools. Their pink noses and ears are Barry M - Strawberry Ice Cream and their eyes are black acrylic paint.

I topped it all off with a coat of Seche Vite.

I just realised pointer bunny looks like a bit of a beefcake lol.

I've had loads of compliments about these today, everybody loves rabbits obviously.

Keep your eyes peeled for my next mani, I bought Model's Own Neon - Bubblegum today and also a Rimmel London Apocalips lip gloss which I've heard good things about.

Hope you like my little cuties, leave a comment in the box :)

Over and out
Rach x


  1. Aww, they're adorable! I especially like middle finger bunny with his floppy ear!
