Wednesday 6 March 2013

Heart Pop Art

Good evening nail art fans

Hope you've had a happy Wednesday! I started out with noooo inspiration for what I was going to do all I had was a colour. I haven't used orange for a while and it was calling me from the shelf so I decided to use it, and there's no colour that goes better with orange than pink!

Here's what I came up with...

I used Save the Nail - Bridge the Ridge as my base and painted 2 coats of George (Asda) - Sunset Orange on all but my ring finger which is Barry M Gelly - Grapefruit.

Then I went in with some white acrylic paint and a dotting tool to do 2 circles close together, joined into a heart shape with a small nail art brush. I placed the hearts randomly on each nail. Once the hearts had dried I used a gel pen to carefully outline them.

Then I used a smaller dotting tool to do little white dots (Barry M - Matt White) to fill in all the gaps.

Once it was all dry, I used Seche Vite to give it all a glossy shine :)

I hope you like them!

Over and out
Rach x


  1. This is so cute and perfect, almost looks like nail transfer stickers (in a good way). Loving the colour combination too.

    1. Thankyou sweetie, these are some of my faves I think x
