Monday 15 April 2013

80's Splatter Mani

Hi everyone,

Today I have some nails to show which turned out nothing like I waned them to but I still like them! They remind me of 80's t-shirts and boy bands. I also chose to show you my right hand because I think they turned out better than my left (Cue awkward hand pose)

It's also a technique which I'd anticipated to be a lot easier that it actually turned out to be.

I started with my base coat and then did 2 coats of Barry M - Black (my go to black, always) and then picked out 3 different colours to use for my splatters. I chose the following...

Barry M - Peach Melba (peachy)
Barry M Gelly - Grapefruit (hot pink)
Barry M - Fuchsia (purply pink)

Once I'd picked them out, I blobbed a bit of each onto a piece of paper and dipped a straw into it to blow through onto my nail. This proved tricky and I ended up thinning each one down to a more watery consistency using acetone.

It took me a good few attempts to get it right and I still think they could be better but I'll revisit them another day.

Once they'd dried, I tidied up the edges (a lot!) with acetone and a brush and coated them with Seche Vite. Then I decided I'd prefer them matte so I used a coat of 17 Nail Xtras - Matte Top Coat.

What do you think?

Please leave a comment in the box below, I love hearing what you think.

Over and out
Rach x


  1. I really like them! They're very fun and so retro! I think you've got awesome splatter-coverage too =)
