Sunday 16 December 2012

It's Christmas!

So, today I finally allowed myself to be sucked into doing Christmas nails.

I've been keeping my eyes peeled for inspiration, and saw a variation of these months ago on Pinterest. Since theres only 9 days to go until the big day and I'm sure gift wrapping / work / alcohol are going to keep me busy, I thought i'd better get on and do them! So here goes...

Colour choice casused major headache! Couldn't decide on a base so went for Rimmel London Sweet as Sugar cos it's a lovely icy blue shade. I mixed the brown for the head and beige for the antlers using acrylic paint then got to work.
I started by drawing a crescent half way up on each nail to fill brown for the head and then did antlers on each one with a cut down paint brush. For the eyes I used white acrylic paint and my biggest dotting tool, then went in again with the black dots with a smaller one.
I really want to try and get a 3D effect with the noses so once i'd done the eyes, I coated with Seche Vite. My Seche Vite has started to get a bit gloopy and I've noticed a bit of shrinkage so if anyone has any tips please let me know in the comments below (Thanks!) When that had dried I used Rimmel London Double Decker Red and a large dotting tool to create the shiny noses. They took a good 10 minutes to be dry enough for another coat of Seche Shrink because I did them quite thick to get the roundedness (that a word?)
Oh, and I had a small accident with my right pinkie :(
Lmao, he looks like Sloth from the Goonies! Hey you guyyys!
Anyway, hope you like them! Please leave any comments in the box, i'd love to get better at this so any feedback would be much appreciated
Over and out
Rach x



  1. SV goes really gloppy over time. You have to use thinner. I find Porshe works better :) goes gloppy still but not as quickly xxx

  2. Another product i've never heard of! I'm going to have to do some investigating, lol. are you in the UK? x
